
fredag 2 mars 2012

Summary of The Moonspinners

Nicola travled by airplane from London to Crete to work at the English embassy she was going to live at a hotel in the small village called Aigos Gorgios i think.
Just outside the village by the road there was a beautiful  landscape made of small hills so she decided to take a little walk.
After a little while a Cretan man jumps down in front of her with a knife and she gets really, really scared.
The man with the knife is called Lambis and he was just protecting a man named Mark because he has been shot.

torsdag 1 mars 2012

Creative connector

The scenes that i am conecting are: 1. The scene when Mark and Colin meet the killers and get shot. 2. The scene when Penelope witnesses a murder.
Diffrence: Mark and Colin gets shot and they are on Crete but Penelope was in Alaska and she didn’t get shot and that murderer used a hunting knife and he ran away.
Similarity: Its night in both scenes.
    Koka vatten
Syfte: Vi ville se när vattnet började koka.
Materiell: Bägare, brännare, trefot, starttemp:23,8 , nät till trefot , vatten, termometer.
Utförande: Vi mätte temp varje minut.
Resultat: se tabell nedan.
Slutsats: Vårt vatten började koka vid hundra grader.